Our history – 55 years of the OVS
This page gives a brief history of Sigmundskron Fruit Auctioneers (OVS) with some of the highlights from our 55 years of activity from 1960 up to 2015.

Franz Oberrauch Senior from Sigmundskron had always been a keen businessman and, in 1959, he attempted to find new methods of fruit marketing. His first auction room was the courtyard of the “Zur Krone” inn at Sigmundskron, where the fruit supplied was put on display for inspection.

In the first auction year (1960) approximately 230 waggons (1 waggon = 10 tonnes) of apples were auctioned. Although these were only “test” auctions, the extraordinary success led him to continue his business idea. The farmers too were happy with the new system.

The first exhibition hall was built in Frangart. Now was there enough space for each lot of fruit to be displayed...

... as well as for delivery by suppliers and onward transportation by truck. As yields rose year on year, the early years saw constant expansion and new investment.

In order to meet demand a new auction hall was built, with a change from a gong to a clock system.

A new, even larger exhibition hall was built.

At the beginning of the year Franz Oberrauch Jr. took over the business from his father.

To provide a second source of income Franz Oberrauch Jr. (centre in picture) opened the “Fruma” fruit and vegetable business for the retail and wholesale trade. Since 2000 his son Michael Oberrauch (left in picture) has been head of retail sales.

Yields rose steadily from year to year. 1982 saw a bumper crop of 1131 waggons. Delivered quantities increased fivefold in 20 years.

The “SELECT” brand was introduced. This was at first awarded to lots in 3/5 crates that were uniform in terms of fruit size, colour and ripeness. Pome fruit awarded the brand is thus seen as a quality product with mostly higher prices.

The auction clock was replaced by a new electronic clock that has since 2002 been linked to the computer system.

A new hall was built.

The building is refurbished with a 230 m² sales floor as well as new offices for the “Fruma” retail business.

A photovoltaic system was installed on the large auction hall.

Today Michael and Ruth Oberrauch manage the auction company as Auction Manager and Administration Manager respectively.